HKGGA Announcement
To prevent the spread of seasonal influenza in schools, the Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health announced today (18th January) more than 190 kindergartens and child care centres that have reported outbreaks of seasonal influenza were recommended to close for a week starting from 19th January (Saturday).
Based on the announcement, the Hong Kong Girl Guides Association urge the Girl Guides members from different sections should continue their vigilance against seasonal influenza and adopt precautionary measure to reduce the chance of infection. Members are advised not to attend unit meeting or activities and seek medical advice promptly and take adequate rest at home if respiratory symptoms are developed.
Guiders may cancel the unit meetings or any arranged activities at their own discretion. For activities that cannot be cancelled, participants should avoid going to crowded or poorly ventilated public places; wear surgical masks, keep warm and carry an alcohol solution for hand washing and disinfection when hand-washing facilities are not available.
Further announcements will be made whenever receiving any latest news or guidelines from the Department of Health and the Education Bureau.