[Closed] Invited Badge Assessor Scheme 2021/2022

Invited Badge Assessor Scheme 2021/2022 is available for registration now. Registration deadline: 31 December 2021.


Application Form:Download

Introduction of Invited Badge Assessor Scheme:Download

List of Participating Units: Download


We highly recommend guiders to submit the form via GGMS. Please login and click "Sponsoring Authority Management" > "Sponsoring Authority List" and choose your SA in the list. Click "Invited Badge Assessor Scheme" Tab under the page of "Sponsoring Authority Profile". "Add" the Invited Badge Assessor and select the badge by clicking "+".


Guiders can edit their profile such as adding or removing the badges, adding the resignation date etc.


GGMS: https://ggms.hkgga.org.hk/GGMS/

Last Update Date: 2022-01-26