香港女童軍特別通告 - 2020年2月24日
香港女童軍總會特別通告 (更新:2020年2月24日)
To tie in with the government's measures in preventing the spread of the Novel Coronavirus, and to safeguard our members' health, the Association will implement the following activity arrangements with immediate effect:
- 所有女童軍集會/活動,以及總會、區、分區、地方協會及分會舉行的活動及訓練將會暫停至不早於3月16日。
ALL Guiding activities (including unit meeting, activities and training organized by the Headquarters, Division, Districts or Regional/District Associations) will be suspended until 16 March the earliest.
- 女童軍總會轄下營地均暫停開放 All campsites will be closed.
- 香港女童軍總會天水圍何超瓊活動中心、香港女童軍總會賽馬會東涌活動中心、新界西及港島中心均只會有限度性開放,只提供隊伍交收女童軍慈善獎券用途(有關安排請參考女童軍慈善獎券通告)。
HKGGA Tin Shui Wai Pansy Ho Activity Centre, HKGGA Jockey Club Tung Chung Activity Centre, NTW Centre, Island Centre will only provide Raffle Tickets collection service (for details, please refer to the respective circular). All scheduled classes will be suspended until 16 March 2020.
- 香港女童軍總會位於加士居道總部大廈於2月3日至3月1日期間,維持有限度服務。
HKGGA HQs (8, Gascoigne Road) will maintain minimum service from 3 Feb to 1 Mar 2020
- 如成人會員的會議必須舉行,請利用視像會議或其他方式取代面對面會議。
Please use video conferencing or other non-face to face methods for meeting between adult members.
Should you have enquiries, please refer to the following contact information:
部門 / 辦事處 / 中心 Department / Office / Centres |
電話 Tel |
電郵 Email |
一般查詢 General Enquiry |
2359 6800 |
地域發展部 Region Development |
2359 6837 2359 6889 |
活動程序部 Educational Programme |
2359 6816 |
訓練部 Training |
2359 6803 |
會員發展部 / 國際及內地聯絡 / 課程登記處 Membership Development / International and China Liaison / Course Registration |
2359 6824 |
附屬會員部 Affiliated Members |
2359 6886 |
營地及產業部 Campsites and Properties |
2359 6850 |
企業傳訊部 Corporate Communications |
2359 6875 |
女童軍慈善獎券Girl Guides Raffles |
2359 6882 |
財務部 Finance |
2359 6856 |
女童軍物品專門店 Guide Shop |
2359 6844 |
資訊科技部 Information Technologies |
2359 6881 |
女童軍興趣章中心 Badgework Centre |
2489 8080 |
港島中心 Island Centre |
2568 8066 |
新界西中心 NTW Centre |
2778 2199 |
天水圍何超瓊活動中心 TSW Pansy Ho Activity Centre |
9738 9460 |
賽馬會東涌活動中心 Jockey Club Tung Chung Activity Centre |
9738 9466 |
We will review the situation from time to time. Any updates will be posted on the Association's website and Facebook page.