香港女童軍總會特別通告 - 2020年4月29日

In response to the latest situation of novel coronavirus infection in Hong Kong, and also to tie in with the government's measures in preventing the spread of the virus, and to safeguard our members' health, the Association will implement the following activity arrangements:
1. 所有女童軍集會/活動,以及總會、區、分區、地方協會及分會舉行的活動及訓練仍然暫停。All Guiding activities (including unit meeting, activities and training organized by the Headquarters, Division, Districts or Regional/District Associations) will still be suspended.
2. 香港女童軍總會位於加士居道總部辦公室、新界西中心、港島中心及興趣章訓練中心將於5月4日起恢復正常服務 (有關進入本會的防疫措施,請參考通告:總部大廈特別防疫措施)。HKGGA Head Office (8, Gascoigne Road), NT West Centre, Island Centre & Badgework Centre will resume normal services starting from 4 May 2020 (Please refer to the circular of Health Measures for Visitors and Members).
3. 香港女童軍總會天水圍何超瓊活動中心及香港女童軍總會賽馬會東涌活動中心將於5月6日起有限度開放,進入中心時請保持社交距離,所有活動仍然暫停。(中心依循有關進入本會的防疫措施,請參考總部大廈特別防疫措施通告:總部大廈特別防疫措施)。HKGGA Tin Shui Wai Pansy Ho Activity Centre & HKGGA Jockey Club Tung Chung Activity Centre will maintain minimum service starting from 6 May 2020.  Please keep social distancing while entering the Centres. All scheduled classes will still be suspended. (Centres will follow the health measures of the Association, please refer to the circular of Health Measures for Visitors and Members).
4.女童軍總會總部大廈及轄下營地內所有場地及營舍租用服務仍然暫停。All venue rental services of HKGGA HQs and campsites are still suspended until further notice.
5. 如成人會員必須舉行會議,請仍利用視像會議或其他方式取代面對面會議。Please continue to use video conferencing or other non-face to face methods for meeting between adult members.
We will review the situation from time to time. Updated measures and arrangements will be posted on the Association's website and Facebook page.
