

In 1916, Hong Kong Girl Guiding movement began with a mission to enable girls and young women to develop their fullest potential as responsible citizens of the world. The Outstanding Girl Guide Award Election is held annually. This programme aims to recognize and honour Girl Guides with outstanding performance. Apart from setting a good model to their fellow youngsters and teenagers, the awardees also strengthen the awareness of the Girl Guiding Movement among the public. 


  1. To honour outstanding performance of girls in all Guiding sections, thus to recognize their efforts and contributions throughout the years;
  2. To set up a positive image of Hong Kong Girl Guides, and a good model for fellow youngsters and teenagers;
  3. To give the public a better understanding of and support for Girl Guiding Movement


Election will be held in 4 sections: Brownie Section, Guide Section, Ranger Section & Special Unit.



Outstanding Girl Guide Award

Last Update Date: 2021-11-25