World Thinking Day 2025


Every year, World Thinking Day (WTD) has a different theme that Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world can learn about and take action on.


The WTD theme from 2025 to 2028 will focus on the Girl Guiding Movement, to review our story and at the same time celebrate the 100th anniversary of WTD and WAGGGS !


WTD2025’s theme is "Our Story". This year we will be mainly reflecting on the symbolism and values ​​of WAGGGS and exploring what it has meant to be a Girl Guide and Girl Scout over the years.


Earning your World Thinking Day 2025 badge:


Step 1:
Create a brave Space


Step 2:
Complete one activity per section
Our Past
Our Present

Our World Centres
Our Future 


Step 3:
Participate our last activity and share your “Message to the future” with WAGGGS 


Members can wear the World Thinking Day 2025 badge or pin upon completion of the World Thinking Day 2025 activity pack challenges.

Section Eligible to wear on the uniform Where to wear
Brownies and Girl Guides Cloth Badge On the front of the sash or on either sleeve of the uniform

Rangers, Guiders and Adult Members Members

Pin On the right chest of the uniform

The badge or pin could be worn until 31st August 2026.


Latest News

A pre-order online registration is arranged by HKGGA Programme Department for the World Thinking Day 2025 badge or pin. Complete this online form and pre-order your WTD2025 badge or pin!  


Download World Thinking Day 2025 'Our Story' activity pack 

 Download the activity pack today


Girl Guides follow a journey through our World Thinking Day themes from 2025 to 2028.
2025: Our Story

2026: Our Friendship

2027: Our People

2028: Our Future


2359 6816 (Educational Programme Team)

Last Update Date: 2025-01-22