The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant – “Intergenerational Responsible Citizenship Project” (CPG – IRCP) Expanding Horizons Activities - Enrolment List and Activity Reminder Uploaded

Event Dates: 
2019/12/28 to 2020/02/15
Application Deadline: 

All applications for Phase II & III Interest Class / Themed Workshop are closed. All enrolment lists and activity reminders are uploaded to the table below. 


Phase II - Themed Workshop

Phase III - Interest Class

Please refer to the circulars for details and application terms & conditions. 

  Phase II Phase III
Circular Download Download
Application form and consent form Download Download
Online application Open Open

Enrolment list

(Last updated on 21/1/2020)

Creative Percussion Ensemble (Class A) Download


Creative Percussion Ensemble (Class B) Download

Sky100 3D Printing (Class A) Download


Sky100 3D Printing (Class B) Download


Soothing Silver Yoga (Class A) Download


Soothing Silver Yoga (Class B) Download

Activity reminder


Creative Percussion Ensemble (Class A) Download


Creative Percussion Ensemble (Class B) Download

Sky100 3D Printing (Class A) Download


Sky100 3D Printing (Class B) Download


Soothing Silver Yoga (Class A) Download


Soothing Silver Yoga (Class B) Download

Happy Bees, Brownies, Girl Guides, Rangers and Golden Guides are eligible for the free-of-charge intergenerational activities. Having finished the class, participants will receive a certificate and a badge.  Participants must attend on time to avoid wastage of resources.  For those absentees without acceptable reasons provided would be blacklisted in coming activities.  In case of absence, an explanation letter from parent (Happy Bee/Brownie/Girl Guide/Ranger) or from Golden Guide is required.


The application form could be submitted online, by fax (No. 2332 5156  Monday to Friday 9 am - 5:45 pm except public holidays), by email (, by post (Affiliated Members Department, The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association, 8 Gascoigne Road, Kowloon) or in person. Verbal application is not accepted.  Late submission and incompleted application form would not be entertained.  


The participant list will be uploaded to the webpage of CPG-IRC ( once the applications are processed.  Guiders / Leaders please check the webpage and remind participants to check out the reminder uploaded to the webpage and to attend on time.


Please visit the webpage of “Intergenerational Responsible Citizenship Project” (2017-2020) for details:


For enquiries, please feel free to contact our AMD staff: 

Project Assistant: Ms Jenny Tsang     Tel: 2359 6828   Email:

Project Officer: Ms Tiffany Hung       Tel: 2359 6857   Email:

HK wide
Interest Activities
Training and Workshop
Last Update Date: 2020-01-21