[Event Will Be Postponed] Let Us Share 2020

Event Dates: 
Application Deadline: 

In view of the latest situation of Novel Coronavirus, Let Us Share on 22 February 2020 will be postponed until further notice. Thank you for your understanding.

Let Us Share 2020


22-02-2020 (Saturday)


13:00 to 17:00 (Registration start at 12:30pm)


P.L.K. Stanley Ho Sau Nan Primary School

(Address: 11 Muk Hung Street, Kowloon City, Kowloon)


Girls Dare to Explore


  • Sharing of international exchange programs (including personal sharings, exhibitions and interactive games etc)
  • WAGGGS programs promotion
  • International Souvenir Badges Exchange Corner (please bring your own souvenir badges for swapping)
  • Each participant can get one event souvenir badge after finishing designated activities

Please refer to the notice for more details (Download)

Application Procedure and Payment Methods

  1. Online Application: https://ocrs.hkgga.org.hk/CourseDetail.aspx?id=12001
  2. Please fill in the application form (Word Download / PDF Download) and return it together with the fee to Course Registration. Payment methods as follows,
  • Cash (Applicable to payment in person at HQs)
  • Cheque (Crossed cheque made payable to 'The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association'. Please write down unit number and event code at the back of the cheque.)


HK$20 per peson (The fee including program fee and one souvenir badge)



1. Unit Application (10 Brownie units, 10 Guides units and 5 Ranger units)

  • Maximum of 15 members, 3 Guiders and 5 standby members from each unit
  • Brownie and Guides unit should have at least 1 Guider. However, it is not compulsory for Ranger units

2. Individual Application

  • All Guiders are able to join on an individual basis


* First-come-first-served basis

* If the quotas have been filled, applications will be placed on a waiting list

*The Association reserves the discretion on acceptance of application*


All Brownies, Guides, Rangers units and Guiders are welcome to join


International and China Liaison

Tel:2359 6827

Email: intl@hkgga.org.hk

Deadline of Application:

31-01-2020 (Friday)

HK wide
International and China
Center and Campsite Activities
Last Update Date: 2020-04-20