Mainland Exchange Programme 2023 – Guiders' Intention

Event Dates: 
2023/07/22 to 2023/08/13
Application Deadline: 

The Assoication is now planning to held the Mainland Exchange Programme during the summer holiday. During the tour, we wish that the participants can understand and experience about the mainland development and cultural history in order to enhance their sense of national identity.


The details of tour will be announced after the approval from Youth Development Council. We are now inviting interested guiders to fill in the "Intention Form" first, details as below:


  Chong Qing Tour 10,000 miles friendship Trek 2023
Event date: 8 - 13 August 2023 22 - 30 July 2023
Venue: Chongqing Beijing, Shanghai, Wuxi
Guider's age required: 21-65 years old appointed Guider
Guider's Fee:

Not more than HKD$1000

(Remained Fee may be subsidied by the Youth Development Council / HKGGA)

Intention Form: Click here (Chinese version only)


Enquiry:International and Mainland Liaison Office (

International and China
Last Update Date: 2023-05-18