Notice of Lost HKGGA Raffle Tickets 2018/19
Notice of Lost HKGGA Raffle Tickets 2018/19
Please note that the following raffle ticket under numbers:
607361 - 607640, 085931 - 085960, 085971 - 085980 have been lost and are invalided as a result.
All Girl Guides participating in the sale of the Association's raffle tickets in public wear full uniforms or outdoor uniforms. Please be cautious if you are approached by person(s) not in Girl Guide uniform soliciting for the sale of raffle tickets. If you notice any dubious selling of the Association's raffle tickets, please contact HKGGA Fundraising Department at 2332-5523 or report to the police.
The open sale of the raffle tickets will end on 15 March, 2019.
Reference of Girl Guides' uniforms: /sites/hkggacms/files/upload/news/Uniform.pdf
14 Feb 2019