17th Lions International Youth Exchange Scholarship Essay Competition
Hold by Lion Clubs International District 303 - Hong Kong & Macao, China, the 17th Lions International Youth Exchange Scholarship Essay Competition are now open to the student who are Secondary 4 - 6, age between 16 - 20 to join. Winner can win a chance to join the overseas exchange tour and explore the world with different teenagers for free. You can see the info below for this year's theme:
“The Race between Man and Machine and its Impacts on the Relationship between Man and the Earth.
Explanatory note to the theme:
Advances in digital technology have provided new machines taking over many human tasks in a faster and better manner. Improvements in quality of living are abundant and obvious. In this century, man interacts more with machines in the workplace or in the daily life than with human and the environment.
Students can base on the theme to discuss the race, its positive and negative impacts on human beings and the environment. They are also advised to give foresights and any solutions on such impacts.
If you are interested to join the essay competition, please visit http://hkcamp2017.webnode.com/ to understand more and download the application form.
Fact Sheet: Download
Application Form: Download