Ranger Council - Souvenir Badge Design Competition

Event Dates: 
2018/02/28 to 2018/04/03
Application Deadline: 

To encourage rangers to participate in activities organized by the Ranger Council, souvenir badges will be given to each participant. We are now seeking for a souvenir badge design and the most outstanding work will be made into the souvenir badges. 



1.   Eligibility: All enrolled Rangers.


2.   Entry requirements: The souvenir badge must include the emblem of HKGGA and include ”深資女童軍議會” or “Ranger Council” with “2017-2019” and use graphics to express the characteristics of rangers.


3.   Color: No more than 10 colors.


4.   Size: Circle, oval or other shapes, the longest side of the diameter shall not exceed 8cm.


5.   Entry Format: Badge design should be submitted in JPEG/AI format of file in 300dpi.


6.   Submission: Entries must be submitted by email with the application form to mandy.tsui@hkgga.org.hk


7.  Judges: 

DCC (Region Development)           Ms. Pauline Leung

DCC (Public Relations)                    Ms. Heidi Wong

Professional designer                       Ms. Chu Wai Kei


8.  Prize:

Champion: (Japan Printoss mobile's photos printer, HK$50 coffee coupon, 10 souvenir badge, certificate and trophy)


Merit Prize x 10: (HK$25 coffee coupon, 10 souvenir badge and certificate)


The Most Active Unit Award: (Certificate and trophy)


All the participants will receive a souvenir badge and participation certificate.


9.   Submission Deadline: 3th April 2018


Remark: All submitted designs will be selected by judges, the result will be announced in May 2018.



  1. Each entrant can submit more than one design.
  2. All entries must submit with the application form.
  3. The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association owns the copyrights of all entries and will have the right to edit.
  4. All entries should be original, without infringement of copyrights, and have not been publicized before.


Guidelines of HKGGA emblem: Here

Application form: Here


Enquiries: Mandy Tsui (Tel: 2359 6824/ Email: mandy.tsui@hkgga.org.hk)


HK wide
Interest Activities
Last Update Date: 2018-04-30