Hong Kong Land Supply Seminar
The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association
Hong Kong Land Supply Seminar
(Note: Event to be conducted in Cantonese)
Background and Objective
As a Guiding Member, we need to be attentive to the environment around us, as well as to speak out for the issues that we are concerned about our society, so as to become responsible world citizens.
Land shortage has been plaguing Hong Kong in recent years. The society at large is suffering from multi-faceted problems with "pricy", "tiny" and "cramped" living conditions, characterised by soaring property prices and rents; the difficulties in purchasing the first home; and all sorts of problems associated with overcrowded living space, inadequate community facilities, and high business operating costs. Insufficient land for housing, economic and other purposes has become one of the major issues of great concern to the public. Therefore, the Task Force on Land Supply under the Development Bureau of HKSAR Government organizes public engagement activities to provide opportunities for public to know and express their opinions.
As a matter of that, HKGGA has been invited by Task Force on Land Supply to organize a seminar, to allow Girl Guide Members to learn about the options that the Government proposed, as well as giving a chance to express your views.
With a group people of same belief, they could create a huge power! Get your Guiding Sisters together to be the change agent. Your action will impact the community and create a world that we want to see!
About the Seminar
Date: 14 September 2018 (Friday)
Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm
Venue: 3/F Hall Changed to 2/F Exhibition Hall, HKGGA HQs (8 Gascoigne Road, Kowloon)
Dress Code: Full Uniform
Mr Stanley Wong Yuen-fai, S.B.S., J.P. (Chairman of the Task Force on Land Supply*)
Ir Dr Greg Wong Chak-yan, B.B.S., J.P. (Vice-chairman of the Task Force on Land Supply)
*The Task Force on Land Supply, comprising 22 non-official and eight official members appointed by the Chief Executive, was established in September 2017 for a term of one and a half years from September 2017 to February 2019. The Task Force is made up of members from various professional disciplines and sectors, including planning, engineering, architecture, surveying, environment, academia, think tanks, social services, housing development and district administration. Duties of the Task Force include reviewing the sources of land supply and evaluating land supply options. It has also launched a public engagement exercise to engage the community in discussions on the pros and cons of different options and their priorities. The objective of the Task Force is to achieve the broadest consensus and draw up a broad framework of recommendations on the overall land supply strategy and a prioritisation of different land supply options for submission to the Government, based on the opinions collected in the public engagement exercise.
Target and Quota
Girl Guide, Ranger or Leader of age 15 or above – 30 pax
How to apply
- Complete the application form, send via email (tpg@hkgga.org.hk), fax to 2617 1478 or post/submit in person to Course Registration Office of HKGGA HQs (8 Gascoigne Road)
- Apply via Online Course Registration System https://ocrs.hkgga.org.hk/CourseDetail.aspx?id=6396&key=2648c3f64dcfd425fa9f2671478a13e8
Application Guidelines
- Application would be handled by first-come-first-served basis, and would not be handled if the information provided by the applicant is incomplete.
- Enrollment list would be posted on the event website.
- The participant’s name could not be amended once the application is accepted. If the enrolled participant could not attend the event please inform the Course Registration Staff as soon as possible.
- For Bad Weather Arrangement (Refer to the weather report released by the Hong Kong Observatory 2 hours before the activity starts) please refer to the HKGGA website: https://hkgga.org.hk/en/resources/bad-weather-and-air-pollution-arrangements-hkgga-activities-0
2359 6815 (Programme Office – Ms. Connie Lui)