Ranger Council 2019 - 2021: Souvenir Badge Design Competition

Event Dates: 
2020/05/30 to 2020/06/30
Application Deadline: 


Submission Date 30th May 2020 - 30th June 2020
Theme Peace / Hope / Unity



There are 4 requirements should be included in your designs:

a. the emblem of HKGGA

b. the wordings of「深資女童軍議會」OR「Ranger Council」AND「2019-2021」

c. use graphics to express the characteristics of rangers, and at least one of the themes 

d. illustrate your ideas of your design

Please refer to the notice for more details

Submission Method Entries must be submitted to Ranger Council via email with the application form, design output file in JEPG and AI format.
Applicant Requirement Enrolled Rangers
Submission & Enquires


Submission Deadline 30th June 2020
Notice Download


HK wide
Training and Workshop
Last Update Date: 2020-05-30