Consultation Sessions on New Headquarters

Event Dates: 
2021/10/11 to 2021/10/13
Application Deadline: 

To accommodate the expansion of services and future development needs of Girl Guiding in Hong Kong, the Government has approved earlier the allocation of a site located at the junction of Ferry Street and Jordan Road by way of a non-in-situ land exchange to HKGGA for developing its new headquarters.  In order to make optimal use of the new site at Jordan for composite development, HKGGA confirmed to build a youth hostel atop the new headquarters facilities.


On the part of HKGGA new headquarter, we would now like to collect the ideas from the users of the premise, including members in all levels and other concerned parties.  We are organizing two consultation sessions with brief information as below:



Session 1

Session 2


11 October 2021 (Monday)

13 October 2021 (Wednesday)





HKGGA Headquarters (8 Gascoigne Road, Kowloon)

Target Group

Members in all levels (Brownie, Girl Guide, Ranger, Golden Guide), Guiders/Leaders, Commissioners and Division Team Members and Non-uniformed Members

Dress Code



  1. Participant can choose to join the session in person or via online video conference. Please indicate your choice at the online registration
  2. For participants joining the session online – meeting link would be sent to the email address provided by the participant before 1pm on the day of session
  3. For participants joining the session in person – they must comply with the requirements stipulated under Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition of Group Gathering) Regulation (Cap.599G) and strictly adhere to the latest Headquarters Notice on the Prevention and Control of Disease.  For latest notice please refer to the news of our website
  4. In case the number of participant joining the face-to-face session exceed the quota to be allowed at the venue, he/she would be further notified to join the session online


Online Registration

Registration Deadline

10 October 2021 (Sunday)

12 October 2021 (Tuesday)


HK wide
Last Update Date: 2021-10-08