[Update]Jockey Club Badges - YoWo Community Changemakers

Event Dates: 
2024/03/24 to 2024/08/30
Application Deadline: 

Jockey Club Badges: Preparing Tomorrow’s Leaders
The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association - Innovative Social Programmes
YoWo Community Changemakers


YoWo Community Changemakers is a two-pronged project to create long-term impact – firstly to empower and nurture young women to become changemakers and problem-solvers of the future through practical skill-based training; in turn, the young women will identify problems and look for solutions within the community through focus groups and site visits, and run a service project with the aim of improving the welfare and wellbeing of underprivileged groups.


HKGGA is now recruiting 20 young women to establish the YoWo Community Changemakers Core Team. If the following sounds like you, join us now!

  • HKGGA Members aged 16 to 30
  • Eager to bring positive change to the community and help those in need
  • Interested in personal growth and developing various skills, such as problem-solving, project planning, governance, leadership, collaboration, etc.     


Project Content and Responsibilities of the Core Team:

  • Multifaceted training and workshops for the Core Team;
  • Focus groups and site visits;
  • Exploring topics in the community and identifying issues for improvement;
  • Develop innovative and sustainable solutions for the issues and design an action plan;
  • Mobilise the community to conduct a community service project for underprivileged groups;
  • Plan a closing ceremony/carnival to celebrate achievements with the beneficiaries


Focus District: Yau Tsim Mong 


Focus Topics:

  1. Community Economies - Understanding the local industries and small businesses in YTM, exploring ways to conserve and propagate traditional crafts and community businesses in the new era. 

  2. Community Facilities - Investigating community facilities and identifying ways to optimise and utilise such facilities for the neighbourhood’s benefit. 

Programme Dates:


Time Venue Programme Content


24/03/2024(Sun)  10:00-13:00 HKGGA Headquarters and Yau Tsim Mong district 
  • Introduction to design thinking and social innovation 
  • Connecting with community project representatives
  • Community observation 
  • Stakeholders map 
  • Community interviews
  • Consolidating thoughts and research findings 
  • Establishing community project objectives and direction 
  • Team building and division of labour  
  • Constructing the direction and outlind of the project  
  • Confirming the action plan and timeline 
  • Validation with stakeholders

[Added Session] 


  • Building the outcome (product / service )  and validation methods
  • Continued and repetitive testing and validation of the product
  • Experiment and implementation
7-8/2024 Date of the community service project to be decided by the participants.
  • Display, discovery, deliberation 
  • Action 


Free of charge (programme fully subsidised). Participants must reach at least 80% attendance rate. 

Application : apply via GGMS, click here

Deadline of application: 25/02/2024  17/3/2024


Enquiry: International and Mainland Liaison Office (intl@hkgga.org,hk)


HK wide
Training and Workshop
Last Update Date: 2024-03-11