HKGGA Special Announcement on Activity Arrangements (As at 30 Apr 2021)
In light of the fact that the COVID-19 situation has continued to subside and is stabilizing gradually, the Hong Kong Girl Guides Association will relax the relevant measures on activity arrangements in response to the members’ keen demand on resuming Guiding activities. Although the current pandemic condition seems stable, we urge our members to work together in maintaining the awareness of disease prevention and strictly follow the prevention measures while participating in the coming face-to-face or online unit meetings/ activities/ meetings/ training. The following activity arrangements remain unchanged and will be implemented with immediate effect:
1. ALL face-to-face unit meetings/ activities, Happy Bees’ unit meetings/ activities, Golden Guides’ unit meetings/ activities, or activities and trainings organized by Headquarters, Division, District, Regional and District Association can be resumed if the responsible Commissioner have conducted the risk assessment^ (e.g. the venue facilities, the anti-epidemic awareness of the responsible Guider, the ratio of staff-to-participants, the leadership ability of the Guider, the nature of the activity, the epidemic situation and valid proof of a negative COVID-19 nucleic acid test result provided by guider/leader (if any) ) Only half day activities/ meetings/ trainings are allowed and approval from respective Assistant Chief Commissioner/ Deputy Chief Commissioner is required.
^Risk Assessment Sample (Download)
Unit Meeting/Activity Application Procedures
Brownie Guide/Girl Guide/ Ranger Guide Section:
Happy Bee/Golden Guide Section:
Approved unit meetings / activities must comply with the requirements stipulated under Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation (Cap.599G) (Appendix 1). Among both, video conferencing remains the prior recommendation for unit meetings / activities.
2. School units, which unit meetings are located in schools, may resume unit meetings under the instructions of respective schools and should strictly adhere to the requirements stipulated under the guidelines on arrangements on assemblies/activities of the school and Education Bureau.
Golden Guide Groups, which unit meetings are located in Elderly Centre/Elderly Home, may resume unit meetings under the instructions of respective Elderly Centre/Elderly Home and should strictly adhere to the requirements stipulated under the guidelines on arrangements on assemblies/activities of the Elderly Centre / Elderly Home and Social Welfare Department.
3. Adult members should obtain the approval from respective Assistant Chief Commissioner/ Deputy Chief Commissioner when arranging face-to-face meeting. The meeting only allows adult members to participate, and should comply with the requirements stipulated under Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation (Cap.599G) and strictly adhere to the Guidelines of the Association (Appendix 2). The meetings/ trainings are recommended to offer both video-conferencing or face-to-face options for the participants.
4. In conducting the approved face-to-face meeting, training activities, preparatory work and support for online training and activities, please follow the government precautionary measures and social distancing requirements to minimize the risk of infection.
5. Guiders may have to perform unavoidable face-to-face administrative work such as issuing badge certificates/record book of members or distribution of raffle tickets, therefore please strictly follow the government precautionary measures and social distancing principle, and as far as possible meet the members or their parents individually, to minimize social contact in large groups.
6. The HKGGA Headquarters and campsites partially opened. Please refer to the Headquarters and Campsites circulars for details. Please stay tuned to our Association’s website for the latest updates, or contact the booking office at 2359 6850.
7. HKGGA Tin Shui Wai Pansy Ho Activity Centre & HKGGA Jockey Club Tung Chung Activity Centre is reopened. Some regular courses are resumed. For enquiry, please contact the staff of the respective centres:
- HKGGA Tin Shui Wai Pansy Ho Activity Centre :2448 3376
- HKGGA Jockey Club Tung Chung Activity Centre:2619 0399
8. HKGGA Island Centre, HKGGA NT West Centre and HKGGA Badgework Centre venues are opened with limited capacity. For details, please browse the following sites/contact with our staff:
- HKGGA Island Centre (Tel: 2568 8066)
- HKGGA NT West Centre (Tel: 2778 2199)
- HKGGA Badgework Centre (Tel: 2489 8080)
The above arrangements will be implemented until 14 May 2021. We will review the situation from time to time. Updated measures and arrangements will be posted on the Association's website and Facebook page.