How to join
New Member of AYP
To become a member of the Hong Kong Award for Young People – HKGGA Operating Authority, simple complete the Application Form with a fee of HK$35.00 (Please pay in crossed cheque payable to “The Hong Kong Award for Young People” and send to AYP HKGGAOA, c/o Programme Department, HKGGA Headquarters, 8 Gascoigne Road, Kowloon.
Current member from another OA switching to HKGGA OA
Ask the responsible person from your current OA to sign Page 4 of your record book. Send the record book together with the completed Application Form to AYP HKGGAOA, c/o Programme Department, HKGGA Headquarters, 8 Gascoigne Road, Kowloon.
2332 5523 AYP HKGGAOA, c/o Programme Department