Interest Certificate

Ranger Interest Certificate


The Interest Certificate Syllabus for Ranger Section review has been completed. The new version would be launched and take effect on 1 September 2021. The previous version (Chinese version only) will be effective until 31 March 2022.
During the transition period, Ranger may choose any one version of syllabus for assessment, but it is not allowed to mix the Clauses from the different versions.

Introduction and points to note

The purpose of the Interest Certificate Scheme is to encourage individual girls to take up and purse hobbies or interests. The syllabus of the badge give an indication of ways in which she can follow her interest and sets targets or challenges through which she can show how far she has progressed. There is a set syllabus for each badge, which the Ranger must complete, but there is no set standard – she is required to do her best to complete the syllabus. The aims of the scheme is to help the girl to improve her own standard as she works at the clauses. At assessment the certificate Assessor makes the judgement that the girl has made a good effort to complete the syllabus and reached an adequate standard according to her ability.

General Guidelines on Badge Assessing

Rangers have to:

  1. Read the syllabus and choose the interest badge you would like to take.
  2. Plan for the way to learn of the subject e.g. self-learning, assistance by Unit Guider, school teachers, parents or professional from the community as instructors. Estimate the schedule and act according to it.
  3. Report to the Unit Guider when you are ready.  Guider will arrange the badge assessment.
  4. Thanks the Badge Assessor after the assessment.

Guiders have to:

  1. Help the girls to make a choice.
  2. Arrange instruction / preparation work at Unit Meeting or other time.
  3. Follow up with girls’ progress before contacting Assessor.
  4. Contact Badge Assessor for assessment. (Guides are not allowed to contact assessor directly).
  5. Arrange venue for assessment.
  6. Complete assessment application / report.
  7. Brief girls before assessment, e.g. uniform, manner, punctuality, what to bring along etc.
  8. Collect feedback and forward to the Commissioner.
  9. Arrange badge purchase and presentation.

More about Certificate Assessing:

  1. The assessment can take place at all Guide properties and sites or at any place chosen by the Assessor or the Unit Guider.
  2. The Guider should be responsible for arranging the Assessments with the Assessor. (Individual Guides are not allowed to contact the Assessor).
  3. The Guider is responsible for booking the premises for the assessment at Guide properties.
  4. Guiders or District Commissioners may recommend a Badge Assessor to the Badge Secretary.
  5. The syllabus of badge and certificates for each section should strictly follow the Interest Certificate Syllabus.

Progressive Interest Certificate

Stage II Certificate: For girls who wish to take the Stage II Interest Certificate Assessment, they must have hold Stage I certificate of the same Interest cerificate.


Interest Certificate Syllabus (Sevice, Character, Skills, Fitness)

Travelling Fire Prevention
Environmental Protection First Aid
Use Drugs Wisely Life Saving
Home Nursing AIDS Knowledge
Community Service Powerwise Ambassador
Serving People with Special Needs Go Green


Child Care Against Corruption
Music Interpersonal Communication
Animal Protection Catering Knowledge
Home Management Personal Image and Etiquette
Flower Arranging WAGGGS Knowledge


Knots and Pioneering Translation
Information Technology Photography
Craft Campcraft
Signalling Drill and Ceremony
Culinary Arts Ballroom Dance
Marine Section Aviation Section
Helmsman Flight Attendant
Sailor Aviation Knowledge (Stage I)
Sailing Logbook Aviation Knowledge (Stage II)
Sailing Stories Hong Kong Aviation


Rock Climbing Mountaineering
Sports Dancing
Orienteering Health and Physical Fintness


Ranger Star

- Rangers can purchase a Ranger Star at the Guide Shop with the certificate issued by the assessor.
- The number on the Ranger Star represents how many certificates that the Ranger has obtained.
- Only one Ranger star can be pinned on the uniform at a time.



 Camping Qualification Sea Activities Qualification Other Qualification
Camping Permit Sailing Permit Ranger Young Leader Qualification
Overnight Hiking Permit Canoeing (Charge) Permit  
Quartermaster Certificate Canoeist Permit  
Campfire Leader Certificate Dragon Boat Helm Permit  
  Elementary Dragon Boating Permit  
  Intermediate Dragon Boating Permit  


Ranger Bauhinia Badge

Assessment Content:

  1. Accumulate at least 100 of service hour for community service project (including organize activities and actual service hours).
  2. Hold a qualification.
  3. Obtain at least one interest certificate in each of the categories of Service, Character, skill and fitness. WAGGGS Knowledge and Community Service are the essential certificates.
  4. Complete one of the following items:
    a: Become an Executive Committee of the unit and recommended by all committee.
    b: Assist in the activities conducted by headquarters, division or district twice, and submit a report of no less than 300 words for the 2 experiences.
  5.  Become the organizing committee for at least 2 community, headquarters, division, district or joint unit events. And serve as the chairperson in one of the events. Target of the event must have 50 participants or above and the service hours must be 50 hours or above.

          The event proposal and content must be submitted to the Guider for approval at least 3 months before the event.
          The report must be submitted to Ranger Section Consultant Team and Ranger Council for approval.


  1. You must complete all the above before your 23 birthday.
  2. Each interest certificate or plan and report can only be used once.
  3. For Sea Ranger and Air Ranger are requested to obtain 2 interest certificates from the related section.

Interest Badge assessed by Appointed Guider

  1. An appointed Guider may assess the following badges and Patrol Interest Pennant for their own Unit:
  • Travelling
  • Use Drugs Wisely
  • Against Corruption
  • Culinary Arts
  • Drill and Ceremony#

      #An Appointed Guider who is appointed before September 2009.


  2. An appointed Guider who hold the below qualifications may assess the related Interest Certificates or Qualification for their own Unit:

Qualification held by Guider Interest Certificates or Qualification can be assessed for her own unit
Further Self-Development Training Course on Drill & Ceremonies
Valid Drill and Ceremony Instructor
Drill and Ceremony
Further Self-Development Training Course Knot (II) Knots and Pioneering
Valid Fire Prevention Instructor Fire Prevention
Valid AIDS Knowledge Instructor AIDS Knowledge
Valid Conservation Instructor

Environmental Protection
Go Green

Camper's Licence


Camping Permit


3.  Badges not listed above should be assessed by the Appointed Interest Certificate Assessor only.


Interest Certificate or Qualification assessed by Camp Consultant

The Current Division Camp Consultant may assess the following badges and Patrol Interest Pennants for Guides from her Division:

  • Campcraft
  • Camping Permit

Interest Badge issued by Headquarters

  • Rangers holding the below certificate could apply for conversion of Interest Certificate or Qualification from HKGGA Programme Department or valid Interest Badge Assessors.​​​​​​
  • Rangers may contact the Staff from Programme Department at 1/F, HKGGA Headquarterss on Mondays to Fridays (9:00am-5:30pm) or the Guide Shop at G/F on Saturdays (10:00am-6:45pm) to apply for the conversion.
Interest Certificate or Qualification Certificate/Document Required
Fire Prevention Completed the Fire Safety Ambassador Trainer Course recognised by the Hong Kong Fire Services Department with an appointment certificate.
Environmental Protection Completed the Conservation Instructor Course 
Home Nursing

- Certificate in Health Worker Training issued by Hong Kong Red Cross
- Home Nursing Course Certificate issued by Hong Kong St. John Ambulance
- Certificate issued by other qualified training institutions

First Aid First Aid Certificate recognised by the Commissioner for Labour, which complies with Cap. 509A Occupational Safety and Health Regulation.
Life Saving Bronze Medallion or above qualification issued by the Hong Kong Life Saving Society
Ballroom Dance Adult One Dance Tests Certificate issued by the National Association of Teachers of Dancing (NATD)
Mountaineering Level 1 Mountain Craft Training Certificate issued by the China Hong Kong Mountaineering and Climbing Union
Rock Climbing Level 1 Rock Climbing Training Certificate issued by the China Hong Kong Mountaineering and Climbing Union
Sailing Permit Level 1 Dinghy Certificate issued by the Hong Kong Sailing Federation (Application Form)
Canoeist Permit Canoe Three-star Award Certificate from the Hong Kong Canoe Union (Application Form)
Canoeist Charge Permit Proficiency Certificate issued by the Hong Kong Canoe Union (Application Form)
Dragon Boat Helm Permit Level 1 Dragon Boat Helm Certificate issued by the Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association (HKCDBA) (Application Form)
Elementary Dragon Boating Permit Elementary Dragon Boat Training Certificate issued by the Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association (Application Form)
Intermediate Dragon Boating Permit Intermediate Dragon Boat Training Certificate issued by the Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association (Application Form)
Music Grade 8 or above (Piano) in the Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music and related performance experiences (with certified copy)


Last Update Date: 2023-09-13